About Us
The year 2020 brings multiple challenges to overcome for all companies. This is just where Grupo Nethexa reaches its ten years, fully consolidated and with an essential social contribution by employing directly and indirectly more than 60 people across the country. Ten years of significant challenges and learning that today allow us to have a broad knowledge of the needs of all our customers and how our team can solve these that using their experience and technical capabilities are always ready to provide the best possible service.
We are experts in the operation and support of telecommunications services and IT infrastructure. We have an excellent technical capacity to meet the requirements in multiple areas of information technology: IP Telephony, Data Networks, Computer Security, Virtual Education, Contactability, optimization and continuous improvement. Nethexa Group was founded in March 2010 by telecommunications engineer Julian Gutierrez Palacio from the concept of using the same philosophy that characterizes the free software in the service.
Any innovation or production system is based on goal-oriented but loosely coordinated participants. They are interacting to create a product (or service) of economic value.
Since its inception, Grupo Nethexa has sought to provide a state-of-the-art technological solution to the needs of companies in Colombia. Using multiple free software and hardware tools, we have been able to impact different markets, providing a differentiating factor by offering our customers cutting edge technologies, highly innovative and at a reasonable cost compared to proprietary solutions or linked to big brands, from call centres with more than 1000 agents, to airlines, hospitals, more than 800 retail locations throughout the country, thousands of employees trained virtually, millions of calls made, thousands of cases handled and resolved and hundreds of customers. As a result, Grupo Nethexa consolidates today as a leader and highly competitive and innovative company in the telecommunications sector in Colombia.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to offer a quality service to all our clients that they find in Grupo Nethexa an ally to maintain their business continuity, flexible enough to allow constant growth and innovative enough to be always at the forefront of technology. Through our solutions, we seek to fill the gap that the big brands have when offering technological solutions to companies in Colombia, providing a quality response with equal or better performance. We work with brands, software and hardware that allow us to keep costs low and quality high at all times. Our team has the knowledge and tools necessary to provide a quick response and ensure that your business can continue to operate without you having to worry about your infrastructure.